Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Rona Rehabs / or How I Spent My Lockdown

Recently, someone asked me what I had been up to. It immediately took me back to elementary school and the annual assignment in September. I think writing the "What I Did On Summer Vacation" paper is a memory shared by most.
But this particular summer vacation has taken place during the spring and it's been everything BUT a vacation!! Of course, I'm referring to "the lockdown" that's also an experience shared by most!
The community curbs quickly showed evidence of what was going on in households as everyone started cleaning out. We were included in that number, though, we pretty much stay in a state of clean out so didn't have much to add.
Games, binging on Netflix, cooking, walking the neighborhood, reading, etc. filled the time; as did Rona Rehabs! So this post is in answer to my friends question.

Welcome to my "How I Spent Springtime Lockdown" post!!
I always have ideas lasering through my brain, and typically have  project or two in the queue. Lockdown started with rehabbing the bed that had belonged to my folks. For the most part,  it just needed a good cleaning and a fresh rubdown with poly.

Did a bit of research on the maker, and removed 80 years of dirt and congealed finish...
And made a VERY interesting discovery. Evidently, when this bed was originally produced, someone made a mistake. It was assembled so that this beautiful piece of woodwork has spent it's entire life unseen and against the wall!! After discussing it with little brother, who also has a vested emotional interest in this particular piece of furniture, and considering the amount of work it would take to completely disassemble the headboard, and the risk of damage that would introduce, we decided to make it a piece of it's history and leave it alone.
It still has a lot of years of life left in it.
Next came another family piece. This mirror is a part of a bedroom set that came into my husbands family in 1958 when it was brand new and purchased by his grandparents. It's graced our home since we married 42 years ago.
It was always this weird pinky brown color that I never really cared for. Officially, called "Antique Brune", I opted for a black gel stain, and like it much better now.
While the mirror is done, the rest of the set is in process. 
By the time these were completed, it was getting warm outside and I started thinking about this...
A few years ago we had to do some foundation work around our house and in the process, all of the landscaping was torn out. While it was put back in place, not all of it survived the trauma. One of the casualties was a rose bush. When I  finally realized this wouldn't make it, I pulled it out of the ground and was so intrigued by the shape of the root ball, that I decided to just set it out on the front porch with a bunch of driftwood. I knew that eventually it would morph into "something".
The time came thanks to Rona, and after sitting a couple of years on the porch drying out, I decided that I could explore my artistic side (which I don't possess, by the way). So I brushed off all the crud and then washed it with plain soap and water. Since I liked the way it looked when it was wet, I decided to put some stain on it, and then, out of curiosity,  set out to do some research to see if my efforts were worth anything.


Yes, now I've put the word out to friends and family to save root balls for me!!

Maybe someday I'll build a stand. But for now, it's kinda cool.
Are you bored yet??
I'm a self admitted sign junkie, and I saw one I liked. Yup. Too cheap to pay for it, so made my own. Why not? It's not like there was anything else to do!!
Because every household needs an "Ice Cream and Confectionery" sign.

And it kept me off the streets for a couple of days.
So in 40 plus years, you "go a lot of places, do a lot of stuff and collect a lot of junk". Maybe that should be spelled "junque", but whatever you call it, we've accumulated it. Even 40 years ago, one of my favorite places was a real live junk shop in a neighboring town. That's where I started picking up plates that I liked.
Up until recently, they've been spread through the house, and there are still a few random ones here and there, but I decided to pull them all together and try something different.
Enter the mirror that has been in our bedroom for quite some time. When we make our next move, this mirror and matching dresser won't be going with us. There is nothing wrong with it, but we just won't need it anymore, so rather than waiting and eventually putting it at the curb, I decided to get a head start and remove the mirror now and get into the basement paint stock.

Collect the plates, remove the mirror, and dig into the paint, sandpaper, stain and poly...

And Voila!!
I know the Boho Chic crowd is all into "basket walls" but we already did everything they're doing in our hippie days. So this is my take on a basket wall.
Ok, if you've hung in there this long, you might as well finish the lockdown journey! The most current projects ran concurrently.
This cute little cabinet was given to me by a friend. He wasn't sure what it was or what it was worth. Upon seeing it, it was clear that it had been a part of an antique oak secretary desk. The outline of the other half is clear on one side. The missing half and it's condition sadly robbed it of any value.

So I gladly accepted it, cleaned it up and repaired the damage to the frame and veneer. We lived with it for awhile until it became clear what should be done with it. Then, once again I headed for the basement.
The only thing that had to be purchased to complete this makeover was a new medallion to replace the decorative crest that once adorned the top of it. It's a sweet little addition to the Junque family!
While working on the cabinet, I also picked up this window on FB Marketplace. I really liked the shape of it and the fact that it was uber cheap!! But it was a mess!!
It took several hours, several razor blades to clean several layers of paint from the glass, and a good scrubbing to clean this up. But the weather was beautiful and working outside is always a plus!

All of the original wavy glass has survived the journey. I can only imagine the stories it could tell.
Obviously, I like old stuff. The unknown history is so intriguing. Sometimes I learn about the past when I take things apart to rehab them, but more often than not, the story is left to the imagination. I'm okay with that.
You made it to the end!! Thanks for spending some of your own Rona ride with me! I'd love to hear about your own journey!
Be encouraged. It won't go on forever!
How blessed is he who considers the helpless;
The Lord will deliver him in trouble.
Psalm 41:1
The Spirit of a man can endure his sickness,
But as for a broken spirit,
Who can bear it?
Proverbs 18:4
Be very careful to observe the commandment
And the law which Moses,
The servant of the Lord
Commanded you;
To love the Lord your God
And walk in all His ways
And keep His commandments
And HOLD FAST to Him
And serve him with all your heart
And with all you soul.
Joshua 22:5


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