Saturday, September 3, 2016

Moving Forward

Sometimes moving forward actually means going back. For me lately, that's been the trend. We've been married a long time. 
A loooooooooong time. 
And in our history, we've picked up some pretty cool items. Some are being passed along to our children, and others, after being moved often and stored away for years, are coming to the light of day once again. I have loved rediscovering our old junk, and seeing the patina that the years have added to it as it sat in the dark.

We brought the copper back out that used to grace our newlywed kitchen, and I think I love it more now than when we first got it!

We're also enjoying old pieces in new places. This was given to me by my grandmother. She worked for a time in a California museum and was given this piece when she left that position. I have always loved it, and now for the first time, it resides in the kitchen.

While what we have we've always been thankful for and it's served us well, sometimes a change is nice. With that in mind, we decided to shake up the dining room a little and replace the chairs. When we got married, we were graced with hand me downs so that we wouldn't have to sit on the floor, and one of them was a green game table with large orange chairs. It served us well, but because of their size, we decided early on to replace the chairs with unfinished ones we bought at a discount store. We set to work finishing them, and the green table to match. For nearly 40 years they've been great. But change is nice, right?

So the decision was made to pass these sturdy chairs on to some friends that can also raise their children on them like we did ours, and go with a brand new look! Over the past month or so, I've been collecting deals. And now have 6 "new" chairs to show for the effort! 

All very different, but "It's gonna be great!" 


And painted. 
Can I just say, I love spray paint? 

And then the torture of choosing fabric that will work in the room. Some of the chairs have fabric seats. The choices were narrowed quite a bit as it needed to be suitable for outdoors. Not because these will be used outdoors, but because we have many little people that will be growing up on these chairs, and outdoor fabric is nearly indestructible! Making these kinds of choices used to be so easy. I think age steals more than just your figure, looks, and memory! Perhaps it drains good taste away too! I'll save you the torture of looking at all the possibilities. Let's just say, I'm really thankful for my daughters who help with such decisions!

And I think we have a winner folks!

Cutting new seat bottoms and recovering them is an easy task, and I love my jig saw and staple gun almost as much as spray paint. And polyurethane. I love that too.

All finished and in place. Now a small room looks a little bigger with the smaller "new" chairs. 

How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, 
Nor stand in the path of sinners,
Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!
For his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in His law he meditates day and night.

Psalm 1:1