Tuesday, June 25, 2019

It's Gonna Be Great!!

You know how when you grab the vacuum, and go into the family room to run it and get distracted? Well, as I prepared to give the carpet a once over, I noticed that the grandchildren's train board was still in there. So, I picked it up and headed down to the storage area, and when I entered the basement, these little vinyl shelves caught my eye. 

I ran across them in a give away pile recently, and knew that I could put them to good use. Now was the time.

I measured them, and then measured the pantry to make sure they would fit, and decided they'd be perfect. The pantry is small, and any extra storage is amazing!

I was supposed to be vacuuming the family room, remember?

But as I measured the pantry, I realized that we had never painted it when we redid the kitchen a few years ago, and it was looking tired. Is it necessary to do cabinets and closets when you repaint a room? Not necessarily, but it's always such an "ahhh" moment when you open them up to find things looking fresh and organized.

We had painted the kitchen white simply because it had been decades since we had enjoyed a white kitchen, and it was a nice change. But this was how the pantry was left

Since I didn't really have anything pressing on the calendar today, I decided it was the perfect time to take care of this sad little cabinet. I had a bunch of paint in the basement, so I figured I could find something that would work. 

I had visions of greatness!!

My grandmother told me often as a kid that I had "St. Vidas Dance". You can read that whole story here. The way my days go sometimes proves her right! 

Remember that vacuum?

When I started looking at the selection of paint cans on the shelves, I didn't see anything that really caught my eye as a good color. So it was time for another distraction.

We plan on moving eventually and don't know exactly when, but someday we won't be in this house anymore. So, slowly, I've been cleaning out and using things up that won't be going with us. This would be a good day to take care of some random paint!

I pulled out everything that no longer resided on the walls in our house and started pouring it into a can. I'll be honest that some of it actually predated our purchase of this house nearly 15 years ago, but I figured it was going anyway, so why not give it a try?

I started with a little bit of very pale yellow in the bottom of a gallon can and started pouring everything in that I wanted to get rid of. 

This would either be amazing... or I could go back to that vacuum that still waited for me. 

And this is what I ended up with!!

The vacuuming could wait!! 

The little pantry only took a few minutes to empty and I got started.

I'm not kidding when I call it little. The shelves are only 24 1/2" wide. The exact width of the vinyl shelves I had squirreled away. Remember? That was on the front end of this distraction!

It didn't take long to get the paint up, as it's a small space. But it's still a workout, because....... yes. It's a SMALL SPACE!! Remember that 24 1/2" width I just referenced?!

The color ended up being perfect, as is the sheen. Not flat, but not shiny. The concoction included interior and exterior paint, flat, gloss, sample pots, random mis-tints... you get the idea.

And it turned out great! 

The shelves JUST fit. If they hadn't been a bit flexible, they wouldn't have gone in. Amazing how they multiplied the space!

I picked up these old fruit crates a couple of years ago. I sealed the labels and my handsome half fitted one with wheels. They've come in very handy for storage and its just another fun moment in the kitchen. Maybe in our next space they'll come out of the cabinet, but for now I like them here. 

It obviously doesn't take much to amuse me, and a few hours after I walked into the family room, I came full circle and finished with the vacuum. 

It's been a good day.

Older women likewise are to be reverent 
in their behavior,
not malicious gossips 
nor enslaved to much wine,
teaching what is good,
so that they may encourage the young women
to love their husbands,
to love their children,
to be sensible, pure, workers at home,
kind, being subject to their own husbands,
so that the Word of God will not be dishonored. 
Titus 2:3-5

*I love this passage*

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