Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Sweet Legacy Project

 Precious things from and for family mean so much to me. They represent close relationships and the love members have for each other. 

Periodically things come into the workshop that represent a special piece of family history. We've seen quilts from old clothing or fabric stashes,  and different kinds of teddy bears made from assorted items, or special furniture that needs a new look. It's always such a privelege to be asked to remake, or make over these items.

The latest one included a gorgeous wedding dress that the owner wanted taken apart and made into a ring bearers pillow for her daughters upcoming wedding. She's a new friend and I was thrilled to be included in this special project.

It all started several weeks ago when the 25 year old dress was taken from it's preservative packaging and handed over to me. It's beautiful and has aged so well!

Beautiful when brand new, and just as beautiful now!

The quality materials and workmanship are obvious

One last look!

The first step was to look it over closely and see how we might preserve as much of the dress as possible as we deconstruct it. This won't be the only pillow made from this dress, just the first.

It's a very small dress so the most challenging part was finding enough fabric to make the front and back of the pillow.

The possibilities were endless!

Whenever these projects come up, I always approach them very carefully and pray every step of the way. After the first cut is made, there's no turning back and no replacement parts! 

So... I took a deep breath and started cutting. 

Here goes!

Loads of beautiful lace to choose from

Next step was to noodle around and figure out what layout would look best. My friend came over and played around some, but I'll admit I changed just a few things!


We've come up with a great plan

Time to start the sewing. I cut the front and back out of the front and part of the back of the dress. My friend told me that this dress has an impressive train, so there should be plenty of "resources" to make another pillow or two.

I'm so pleased with the final product. It's a sweet gift from a mother to a daughter on her special day, and I'm so thankful I could be a part.

A small handle on the back to help the bearer of the rings

I'm always nervous and excited to start these projects, and always thankful when they turn out well. Prayers all along the way made for a nice addition to a young womans special day. 

He who finds a good wife,
finds a good thing.
Prov. 18:22

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